Monday, August 25, 2014

Fitness Journey Update

Well I finished the Spartan Super in the mountains of Virginia and can only think of one word to describe it, Insane!! This course was by far the hardest thing I have ever done yes it was tougher than the Beast in South Carolina.
Here is the way the day started out. We followed the directions to the location only to get lost in mountain fog on the way UP! Finally got turned around and headed the right way only to land in a traffic jam due to the bus being stuck in the mud. Once parked we boarded the bus for the other 5 mile trek up the mountain only to find ourselves stopped in the middle of the mountain half way up. The bus could not make the hill! Now I was really getting nervous. Finally the bus driver got the bus going again and we reached the summit. Now an hour late we stretched real quick hopped the first wall and took off running. We rounded the first corner feeling real good till we saw the steep climb that awaited. Not bad we thought till 3/4 of the way up we were huffin and puffin! Now the fun part down the hill so you say easy right?? Not to be slippery, muddy, rocks, you name it we kept falling and sliding. Its going to be a long run/hike! This continued on for the next several miles with the usual Spartan obstacles. Then we got to the sandbag carry and had to carry it up hill and over 3 walls then down and over 3 walls! This was followed by another climb that seemed like it never ended and at times so steep you pretty much had to crawl up it. Enough right!! Nope next up the bucket carry and you guessed it up and down the hill. I don't know what was worse the up or down. So by now you see the theme right? Next up log carry and of course up and down the hill. The one thing I don't think they accounted for was the logs people were dropping and they came barreling down at you! LOOK OUT! Now 7 miles into it and praying for the finish line I thought the worst was over. Oh how wrong I was as soon as I saw the dreaded barbed wire crawl all up hill! Now cramping and bleeding from elbows and knees almost to the top the crowd was yelling at me almost there almost there I saw it! The finish line finally the end in sight. I mustered up what was left in my lower extremities and made a valiant effort to jump the fire. Ugly but finished. Total time 5 hrs and 6 minutes. I was totally humbled by this race and considered myself to be "in shape"  but learned otherwise. I am glad I finished never thought of quitting but I believe that the programs I have used to get me physically ready for this are the reason I did make it to the end. I just have to be willing to push myself harder than ever if I want results that I believe I'm capable of. So it looks like Insanity Asylum and P90X3 are going to be my best friends for the quite a while! LESSON LEARNED!

Insanity Asylum


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