Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Real Masterpiece!

A Real Masterpiece

The Master's Hammer and Chisel
As a Beachbody® Coach, you have an army of amazing tools at your disposal. Today marks the launch of perhaps your most unique tool of all: The Master's Hammer and Chisel. Not only is it the most comprehensive resistance program in the Beachbody catalog, but the first to feature not one, but two superstar trainers: co-creators, Sagi Kalev and Autumn Calabrese.
Let's chip away and examine what makes it so special.

What is The Master's Hammer and Chisel?

It's a new, resistance-training system to help you build powerful muscle, shed body fat, and build a statuesque physique—in 60 days.
Sagi and Autumn lead you through 12 innovative workouts that will transform your body in just 30-40 minutes per day. What's more, you can expect a completely customizable nutrition plan, along with 7-portion-control containers to help you reach your goals.

What sets it apart?

You and your customers will use what the experts call SSP training, for stabilization, strength and power. Other workouts focus on one or two phases of SSP Training, produce results. The Master's Hammer and Chisel incorporates all three methods to help you sculpt every muscle for superior results.
The Masters Hammer Chisel

Twice the training power

Autumn and Sagi bring their own personal fitness expertise into the equation. What are their roles in the program?
Enter Sagi; a.k.a. the Hammer. You could do worse than having a two-time Mr. Israel guide you through your power and strength training workouts.
Then comes Autumn; a.k.a. the Chisel, focusing on stability and balance training. To say this national-level bikini competitor knows a thing or two about eye-popping definition is an understatement.
That's two award-winning, superstar trainers for the price of one. Not bad.

It's all about results

The Master's Hammer and Chisel is already garnering rave reviews from both Coaches and customers alike. Let's hear what they had to say:
" At 40 years young, I look the best I've ever looked and I feel like I'm 25. I wish I could bottle this feeling and sell it."
― Becky B.
"I can't say enough about The Master's Hammer and Chisel. It's my soulmate program for sure!"
― Niki W.
" I feel absolutely amazing! I'm less stressed, have more energy and sleep great."
― David A.
"Working out with two trainers is awesome. Autumn and Sagi have so much to offer, and motivated me in different ways."
― Danette A.
" This isn't a half-ass workout. Be prepared to learn, to be challenged and to see crazy results."
― Emma W.

Carve your niche

Hammer Chisel
Everyone's going to be talking about this game-changing program, so now's the time to get up to speed.
Who's your target audience? Body Beast® fans. 21 Day Fix fans®. 21 Day Fix EXTREME® fans. Autumn and Sagi fans. Or more specifically, anyone who wants to lean out, sculpt and maintain what they've got, or build muscle. So… pretty much everyone.
And don't forget about the power of Challenge Groups. Starting a group with The Master's Hammer and Chisel is sure to bring opportunities to build your business like never before!
Are you, your Team and your customers excited to try The Master's Hammer and Chisel and start 2016 right? In addition to the Challenge Groups you're running, join CEO Carl Daikeler's The Master's Challenge Support Group starting January 4th. You'll get exclusive access to the co-creators and celebrity trainers, Sagi Kalev and Autumn Calabrese! Folks who stick with the program and submit their success stories in 60 days will get bragging rights, an exclusive #MastersChallenge t-shirt, plus the chance to win cash prizes up to $5,000!
Our Exclusive accountability group will begin January 4th so you still have time to join us! Visit www.beachbodycoach.com/STEVEMMILLER   

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Beachbody On Demand Special

How would you like access to over 5000.00 in fitness programs for 30 days? FREE? That's right FREE. As advertised on 93.7 South Carolinas  Music radio  Beachbody is looking for over 3 million people to test out the new On Demand feature for a 30 day free trial. Available platforms are Chromecast, Amazon Prime, Roku, and Apple TV.   Using my link below will guarantee you have me as a coach along side you for that 30 days motivating you pushing you! Take advantage of this while you can and message me if you have any questions! What a great way to get your New Year started!

Beachbody OnnDemand

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

My Spartan Experience

I wanted to share this story with you, It's one of the reasons that I do these races and get involved in the Spartan community.
As I was running a Spartan beast race a couple of weeks ago, I saw a guy puking and throwing up . It was his first race ever, he was lacking the knowledge of what was needed to bring to a race. Even though he brought the main thing, (himself). I have seen people post about being excited for going to their first race . Some people showed up, some didn't. As I was running I saw people struggling with their weight going up the 6' foot walls. I saw single moms, single dads, young and old being part of this, giving their hearts and fighting hard. I heard the word "beast" for the first time used by so many people. But only used to describe the muscular, the fit, the young, or the ones that have done so many races. What about the guy who was puking? What about the overweight girl at the wall? Some of them probably won't ever do this again. What about the single dad, the single mom? The ones who struggle so much to save up for a single race. The ones whose partner didn't share the same goals. What a struggle!! Those very people to ME are "the beasts". I'd be so happy, so glad to shake each one of their hands and give them hugs. Do no let anyone tell you any different. YOU , and only You know who you are and wherever you are . Do not stop. keep fighting YOU ARE A BEAST!!!

Steve Miller

  We are Team Dynasty and would love to have you run with us. We have an Elite team if you are competitive and also our FUN team where we all start and finish together helping others along the way.Message me if your interested in joining us or if you would like more information! Thanks and Aroo!

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Hammer and Chisel RELEASED!

Hammer and Chisel is now officially launched!
Just wanted to send you a quick message to you since you showed some interest in joining my Hammer and Chisel Online Test Group. If you didn’t already see the details updated on the event page, here they are smile emoticon
The Online Test Group will begin on December 14th. Prep week will begin on December 7th (optional). If you decide to join my Online Test Group, you will need to choose between the following options below no later than this week, or by Monday next week to ensure that you get everything that you need to begin before the start date (December 14th)
Here are your options to join the H&C Online Test Group:
1. Hammer & Chisel Shakeology Challenge Pack: (Discounted this month only)
2. Hammer & Chisel Performance Pack: (Discounted this month only)
As soon as you purchase your Challenge Pack, please message me so that I can put you on the list to get added to the Exclusive Online Test Group here on Facebook.
If you are not interested in participating in the Online Test Group with others, and you just want the fitness program only, then you can purchase the standard kit here: (please note that this option will not gain you entry into the test group)
Fitness Program Only (no test group participation)
(This link will be LIVE around 6pm EST)
Any other questions, feel free to contact me, let’s do this!!
Coach Steve

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

How to survive Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is entirely centered around food, drink, and more food. And while most of us have been consistent with our workouts and nutrition lately, all bets come off on Thanksgiving. But after too many Thanksgivings feeling uncomfortable, having to loosen our belts and nursing a hangover the next day, we’ve decided to switch things up… just a little! Here’s a plan for feeling your best all through the day, while still enjoying family and food!

MORNING: One of the best things about having the day off is sleeping in, so relax!  Once you’re up, start the day off with a healthy, protein packed smoothie (protein powder, banana, almond milk, almond butter ect).  I recommend Shakeology as It has all the proper super nutrients and proteins that body needs and is super healthy! 

WORKOUT: Don’t spend this Thanksgiving morning being lazy on the couch; try to get some strenuous exercise on the books. Our trainers recommend a calorie torching full-body Tabata workout that will get your back to your family in no time! Because it doesn't hurt to know that you spent your morning exercising and burning calories before an evening of total indulgence. Insanity Max 30 Tabata would be an awesome choice! 

THE MEAL: We recommend that you DON’T put a limit on what you can or cannot eat — your goal should be to enjoy everything and to not make yourself feel guilty about it in the process. Given that it's a long day filled with food and drinks, make a point to drink a lot of water. Also, give yourself some time to digest before heading in for a second helping of food which will help you eat a little less. But what about the leftovers?!?!  If you’re like us, you’ll continue to eat and snack on them for days on end. Pumpkin pie breakfasts and night after night of turkey sandwiches. And while we don't put any boundaries on ourselves during Thanksgiving, we think it's important to get back to your normal eating habits once it's over. The Solution? Park yourself a (normal-sized) meal or two worth of leftovers, and send the rest home with guests.

Come Friday, if you're feeling like you went a bit too overboard, you can always find simple, safe, and healthy ways to give your body a little detox. So take a breath, give yourself a break, and enjoy the holiday. The last thing you want to do is deprive yourself, which can often be a catalyst for overeating later. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

Coach Steve

Friday, November 13, 2015

Hammer And Chisel

Ready to sculpt the ultimate physique? Then look no further than the Master’s Hammer and Chisel! For the very first time, trainers Sagi Kalev and Autumn Calabrese have teamed up to create an expert program designed to help you craft a strong, visually stunning body in 60 days.
The Master’s Challenge Group will provide support and accountability as we work through this incredible new program together for the next 60 days. The group will be led by CEO Carl Daikeler as well as participation and exclusive access to co-creators of the program Sagi Kalev and Autumn Calabrese! By combining fitness, nutrition, and peer support and accountability, The Master’s Challenge Group will help all of us achieve our fitness goals!
Participants who stick with the program and submit their success stories in 60 days will get bragging rights and an exclusive ‪#‎MastersChallenge‬ t-shirt available ONLY to participants in this group, proving they sculpted their ultimate physique! Plus, cash prizes up to $5,000!
The Master’s Challenge will start January 4th 2016 and end February 28th 2016.
I am looking for 10 people that are willing to make a change to a fit and healthy 2016. I would especially like to have people in the 50+ age group as you would be joining along with me 57 and together we will show others this can be done! 
Lets get things going with the free account today and I will make sure your ready to rock in the new year. I'm so excited and can't wait to help change some lives!  https://www.teambeachbody.com/signup/-/signup/free?referringRepId=182856

Hammer and Chisel

Monday, November 9, 2015

Post Workout

OK so you've put in the time your really wanting to see results but your just not getting enough of what you need post workout. It's very important especially for those that are trying to build to make sure they utilize that "30 minute window"immediately following your workout.
Protein is essential for maintaining and building muscle, but you don’t need to gulp down a carton of raw eggs like Rocky to get the maximum benefit. Consuming 20 grams of protein after your workout should do the trick, report British researchers.
In the study, 48 men ingested zero, 10, 20, or 40 grams of protein immediately after a strength workout. The 20-gram and 40-gram doses more effectively stimulated muscle protein synthesis—the process that helps promote the muscle repair and growth after exercise—in participants than the lower amounts. However, the 40-gram dose didn’t produce any added benefit. 
When it comes to choosing your 20-gram protein source, pick whey, a fast-digesting protein found in milk. The reason: “Whey is a rich source of leucine, an amino acid that activates protein synthesis,” says Alan Aragon, M.S., Men's Health's nutrition advisor.  It contains 10 percent leucine while other animal-based proteins have as little as 5 percent.  And while the majority of your diet should consist of whole foods, wheypowder is an easy and inexpensive way to make sure you’re getting enough protein on a daily basis, Aragon says. (Find the best whey powder for you.
Other whey options include 1.5 cups of low-fat yogurt or 2.5 cups of skim milk, both of which can be added to smoothies. If you feel like cooking, grill up some chicken or salmon. To get the recommended 20 grams, the serving size should be about the measurements of a deck of cards. 
So do you need to gnaw on chicken immediately after your last rep? Not necessarily. “Muscle remains responsive to protein for a least 24 hours after exercising,” says study author Oliver Witard, Ph.D, lecturer in health and exercise sciences at the University of Stirling in Scotland. Although the effect is higher immediately after exercise and decreases over time, it doesn’t mean the opening for protein intake closes after an hour, he says.  In fact, Canadian researchers found that 20 grams of protein every three hours four times a day was better at helping men build lean body mass than eating smaller amounts more often (10 grams of protein eight times a day) or larger amounts less frequently (40 grams of protein twice a day).
But don't drive yourself crazy trying to synchronize your meals to a clock, advises Aragon. For the average active guy, eating protein after a workout won’t matter if you don’t meet other nutritional needs throughout the day, says Aragon. When it comes to building muscle and losing weight, the most important factors are consistent workouts and well-rounded meals that include protein. 
As a beachbody coach and a graduate of Insanity, P90X3, and Body Beast I was thrilled with the release of the New supplement line. Not only did I experience great results but the quality of these products is absolutely the best. If your going to put in the time then spend the money it's worth it. Message me for more information and your  own free account. Questions?? As always I'm here to help
Coach Steve

Friday, October 30, 2015

Ready To Lose Some Fat?

Here is some great information from the Beast himself Sagi Kalev on the importance of sleep and the effect it has on fat. I have learned so much from being a beachbody coach the wealth of information the trainers provide for us is amazing. The best part is we are allowed to use and share this information. As your coach I'll do my best to make as much of it available as possible that's why it's so important to use the links I provide instead of just signing up randomly. Thanks and I hope you enjoy the article! https://www.teambeachbody.com/signup/-/signup/free?referringRepId=182856
Part 1.
Ready to lose some fat?
And why is your fat is NOT SO your Fault!!! Yes...not your FAULT.
Get ready....write notes and after long time of getting ready my promise has arrived.
Here is my last words to remember ...
Fatigue, brain fog, memory slipping, muffin top, irritable, losing passion? It seems like the wheels are coming off and it’s happening overnight.
This is an all too common topic of conversation I have with my new female patients every day.
Women notice an accelerated downward spiral in their health and balance and it usually occurs as they approach 40.
Despite your best efforts to exercise and eat a healthy balanced diet, you notice that your clothes fit tighter and just thinking about treating yourself to that special dessert puts on a few pounds.
A full nights sleep without waking up is just a distant memory.
Career and financial pursuits, family responsibilities and just daily life stressors start to take their toll.
Why do you feel so out of balance and just plain crappy?
There are many forces at work in life that are responsible for borrowing against your health, until one day they become overwhelming obvious and you need help, and FAST.
When your life is even slightly out of balance you set up the possibility of slowly borrowing against your health, even in small amounts, causing subtle hormone imbalances, disrupt thyroid function, adrenal health and cortisol levels (stress), energy robbing low grade inflammation, gut dysfunction (dysbiosis). In addition, toxins, pesticides, and xeno-estrogens (hormone like substances) in the environment can disrupt your metabolism, sugar control, energy production and sex hormone balance.
The truth is your every day lifestyle choices about how you eat, amount of exercise you do, how much restful sleep you get, and your ability to manage stress accumulate over months and years and the consequences become apparent overnight. There is a strong relationship between stress and belly fat caused by increased production of cortisol and blood sugar levels. In fact, just eating sugar can increase cortisol levels. So that morning coffee and donut cause a double whammy that increases cortisol and sugar adding to belly fat.
The inflammation caused by increased blood sugar and insulin in addition to high cortisol levels create havoc on your natural hormone balance including estrogen, testosterone, and thyroid hormone.
Functional lifestyle medicine works by identifying the imbalances in your life and the triggers and underlying imbalances in your body. Once the triggers and imbalances are found, a functional medical therapy can be prescribed to naturally restore your balance by treating the underlying cause and not the symptoms.
Here are some lifestyle changes you can make to help rebalance, lose weight, improve energy and start feeling great again.
1. Eat a low inflammatory Mediterranean diet high in fresh vegetables, some fruit, clean organic protein, low in sugar and processed foods.
2. Address the underlying causes of stress and focus on active relaxation through meditation, breathing techniques, and yoga.
3. Exercise is medicine. Use it to reduce stress, improve your blood sugar and insulin levels, and improve your brain health and mood.
4. Focus on healthy restorative sleep. Deep sleep improves mood and memory by rebalancing hormones and brain neurotransmitters such as serotonin.

Thursday, October 22, 2015

10 Minute Workout

NEED AN EXTRA PUSH TODAY? Maybe you're short on time. Try this BONUS workout. Should take ONLY 10min!
Equipment (a Step or BOOKS)
Pyramid Push-ups
10 of each 30 sec rest 
9 of each 30 sec rest
8 of each 30 sec rest
7of each 20 sec rest
6 of each 20 sec rest
5 of each 15 sec rest
4 of each 15 sec rest
3 of each 5 sec rest
2 of each (no rest) 1 of each DONE!
*try to NOT REST BETWEEN 3 types of push ups. Only rest after you complete all three.
Shaun T say's DIG DEEPER! This is something that I love to do I share things that will help others who may be struggling or just need motivation! I have been blessed to be able and  enjoy a healthy and fit lifestyle and I'm always looking to pay it forward! Peace out my friends.

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

New Shakeology Flavor

We've got a new member of the family!
Just announced at Leadership, Café Latte will be the latest flavor in the Shakeology lineup in 2016.
A few things to know about Café Latte:
1) The new flavor is made with whole coffee fruit, which is indigenous to India and Mexico, it's the the fruit that coffee beans come from.
2) By sourcing whole coffee fruit for Shakeology, which is often discarded, we are minimizing our carbon footprint and increasing sustainable farming.
3) A group of Elite Beachbody Coaches are taste testing right now and we will be sharing their feedback soon!
If you would like to be one of the first to try the new flavor or just stay up to date with the latest news from Beachbody, Just leave me a message and I will set you up with a FREE account!


Wednesday, October 7, 2015

20 Weight Loss Secrets From ShaunT



weight loss secrets from shaun t
By Dana Leigh Smith
Most people know Shaun T, as “the Insanity guy” — and the sobriquet is a perfect fit. Not only is his renowned workout, well, freakin’ insane, but so is his body. Just look at thoseabs!
But his body wasn’t built on exercise alone. He wouldn’t have the physique he has today—one that’s helped him sell more than 10 million fitness DVDs—without following a smart diet plan. And for the bulk of his career, the details of his diet have remained a mystery to the masses—until now! To find out what fuels Shaun T’s success, we asked him to reveal the weight loss foods that help him maintain his famous six-pack abs. Read on to find out how adding each of his favorites to your diet can give you the results you want.


sweet potato
“Sweet potatoes are a great post-workout snack,” says Shaun T. “They’re low on the glycemic index and rich in fiber which helps tame that out-of-control appetite many people have after they exercise.”

Eat This! Tip

Peel and bake an orange spud and throw it in the blender along with unsweetened almond milk, vanilla protein powder, maple syrup and vanilla extract to give your daily protein shake a flavor-filled fiber boost. For more creative drink ideas, check out these 20 Best Weight-Loss Foods for Protein Shakes.


Abs really are made in the kitchen—yes, even Shaun T’s! The 37-year-old host of the motivational iTunes podcast, Trust and Believe with Shaun T, blasts away fat by incorporating whole eggs into his weekly diet. Whether you scramble them, eat them sunny side up or hard-boiled, just be sure to eat the yellow center. It contains a fat-fighting nutrient called choline.


Sure, Shaun T’s abs always look perfect when he’s on TV, but everyone has days when they’re feeling a bit bloated. To keep away the water weight, he snacks on honeydew melon. The fruit contains a compound called Cucumis melo, which has been shown to have significant diuretic properties. In other words, it helps fight the water retention that can make you look puffy even though you have a toned stomach. For more bloat-banishing tips, check out these 33 Lazy Ways to Flatten Your Belly—Fast.


spaghetti squash
“Spaghetti squash is a great alternative to pasta,” says Shaun T. “I love pairing it with homemade spaghetti sauce so I feel like I’m eating noodles but am getting a dose of vegetables instead!” And speaking of veggie spaghetti, don’t miss these 3 Exclusive Spiralizer Recipes!


Grass-fed beef, that is! When it comes to steak or burgers, go grass-fed—that’s what Shaun T likes to eat. It’s naturally leaner and has fewer calories than conventional meat. Grass-fed meat also contains higher levels of omega-3 fatty acids, which have been shown to reduce the risk of heart disease and metabolism-slowing inflammation.


“Berries like raspberries, strawberries and blackberries taste amazing, satisfy my sweet tooth, and are good for brain power,” Shaun T tells us. “They also have tons of antioxidants that help slow down the aging process.” What’s more, berries have been shown to burn that stubborn belly fat by turning on your get-lean genes. In one 90-day trial, rats fed a blueberry-enriched diet had leaner bellies than the control group.
For more tried and tested flat-belly tricks from fit folks, check out these 50 Best-Ever Weight-Loss Secrets From Thin People.


Bad diet decisions are often made when you’re starving and have nothing healthy to eat in your kitchen. Ward off diet-derailing decisions by stocking up on frozen, deveined shrimp—one of Shaun T’s go-to proteins. Once you throw it on the stove, it’s ready to eat in just a minute or two, and it’s a great source of lean, low-cal protein.

Eat This! Tip

To get a muscle-building meal on the table in under 10 minutes, mix some shrimp with a splash of low-sodium soy sauce and a bag of frozen mixed veggies. Looking for more fast and healthy meal ideas? All of these 10-Minute Meals for 6 Pack Abs are both simple and delicious.


acorn squash
With each new season comes a host of amazing weight-loss foods. One of Shaun T’s fall favorites is acorn squash. Besides serving up a third of the day’s fiber, a one-cup serving of this sweet, nutty veggie contains 30 percent of your daily vitamin C needs. The nutrient has been shown to counteract stress hormones that trigger belly-fat storage. Vitamin C can even boost the fat-burning effects of exercise, according to Arizona State University researchers.

Eat This! Tip

Although the seeds aren’t edible, the skin is. Slice the squash in half, remove the seeds and stuff it with sautéed onions, celery, carrots and cooked ground turkey. Bake on 400 °F for an hour or until tender.


brussels sprouts
“When cooked with a bit of olive oil and spices, Brussels sprouts taste amazing,” says Shaun T. “Plus, they’re filling, heart-healthy and rich in vitamin C.” To discover more underrated foods that can help you lose weight, check out these 20 Best Full-Fat Foods for Weight Loss.

10 & 11

When you’re trying to maintain a healthy diet, staying hydrated is a must. But sipping H20 all the time can bore your taste buds. Shaun T’s solution: Eating water-rich fruits like watermelon and cantaloupe. “Watermelon is a delicious, hydrating food to eat in the morning, and I’m also a fan of cantaloupe,” he says. “It has an extremely high water content and is low in calories.” And speaking of water-filled grub, add some of these Hydrating Flat-Stomach Foods to your diet, too!


One 3-ounce serving of chicken packs a whopping 26 grams of protein for just 142 calories. No wonder it’s one of Shaun T’s favorite meats. Not to mention eating the stuff has likely helped him maintain those droolworthy abs. According to research, eating protein-packed foods like chicken boosts satiety and post-meal calorie burn by as much as 35 percent.

Eat This! Tip

Sick of eating poultry plain off the grill? Check out these 7 Fat Burning Ways to Make Chicken for some culinary inspiration.


“When you begin to feel sluggish, reach for an energizing snack like cashews,” he suggests. “They’re filled with healthy fats and carbs, so they really help give you a boost—just make sure to only eat one serving. They are easy to overeat, and the calories add up fast,” he adds.


Speaking of healthy fats, Shaun T is also a big fan of avocados. “Avocados are great to eat in the morning. They give your brain the power and fuel it needs to have a successful day.”

Eat This! Tip

In a study published in Nutrition Journal, participants who ate half a fresh avocado reported a 40 percent decreased desire to eat for hours afterward. Smash some avocado on some whole-grain toast and top it with an egg to reap belly-shrinking benefits all day long.


“Kale is off the charts when it comes to nutrients! You get a lot of bang for your buck,” he says. “An easy way to eat it is to use it as the base of your salad—it can increase the health-factor of your meal in an instant!” Other ways to enjoy the leafy green: Add it to egg dishes, tacos, and drinks like juices andsmoothies. Or make kale chips by dressing the leaves in a bit of salt, pepper, garlic powder and olive oil. Pop them in a preheated 325 degrees F oven for 12 minutes.


If you crave take-out food after a tough workout, choose sushi, one of Shaun T’s go-to foods for six-pack abs. Fish is high in muscle-building protein and brain-boosting omega-3 fatty acids, and white rice is a fast-digesting source of carbs that will replenish your depleted glycogen stores. However, ordering just any sushi roll won’t ensure you’re eating well or aiding your weight-loss efforts. To keep your goals on track, order one of these Best Sushi Rolls for Weight Loss.

17 & 18

...literally! A longtime enemy of doctors and dieters, pork has become a healthier alternative of late. Shaun T is a big fan of the stuff. But beware: Not all cuts are created equal. We suggest sticking with a pork tenderloin or old-school, full-fat pork belly (which makes a mean crispy bacon). Pork tenderloin packs 24 grams of protein per serving, has slightly less fat than a skinless chicken breast and as much waist-whittling choline as an egg. Pork belly offers more protein and heart-healthy monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFAS) than turkey bacon, which is often considered the healthier pick. But remember: Serving size matters, so don't actually pig out. A single serving is all you need.

19 & 20

“Fresh tuna is light, healthy and filled with protein. I always look for it on the menu when I’m eating out,” says Shaun T. “Cauliflower is another easy-yet-healthy choice when eating out—and, did you know it's an excellent source of Vitamin C? Most restaurants offer it as a side dish,” he adds. 
For more information on some of Shaun T's meal plans and program please message me! Thanks for reading.

Wednesday, September 30, 2015


Why do people keep telling me Shaekology is SO expensive? How is 4 bucks a day expensive?
You guys?!! Do you know how expensive it is to eat out everyday???
Plus do you know how unhealthy it is??
Do yourself and read below!
Sacha Inchi - 5.3 oz $15.25
Flax seed - 14 oz $9.00
Quinoa - 28 oz $11.29
Moringa Leaf Powder - 8 oz $10.69
Dried Spinach - 1 Quart $10.26
Ashwagandha - 8 oz $15.75
Yacon Root Powder - 8 oz $19.97
Chicory Root - 12 oz $17.80
Goji Berry - 4oz $12.99
Grape Seed - 35 oz $13.96
Reishi - 5.5 oz $14.99
Pomegranate - 8oz $18.99
Rose Hips - 12 oz $9.00
Chia Seed - 8 oz - $16.99
Camu-Camu - 3 oz $19.99
Acai - 4oz $18.99
Acerola Cherry- 12 oz $31.99
Bilberry - 8 oz $22.99
Amaranth - 16 oz $4.99
Tulsi - 12 oz $14.99
Wheatgrass - 17 oz $32.39
Whey Protein - 1oz $18.99
Maca powder - 8oz $29.99
Cacao powder 16 oz - $18.99
If you add all these things up that’s about $400 bucks! $400 bucks. And that’s not adding up all the super foods and nutrients that you get in Shakeology.
Do you know what you just added up? Everything IN SHAKEOLOGY. Plus so much more!.
It's the most DENSE superfood I have been able to find. From Protein to essential amino acids to prebiotics to probiotics to digestive enzymes to adaptogens to antioxidants, to phytonutrients, and 23 other vitamins and minerals!!!
And you’re telling me $129.99 (NON Coach Price) or $99.00(Coach Price) is EXPENSIVE?
I am so passionate about my superfood and I talk about it all the time because I believe in this product so much! It has changed my life and my family’s life!
So I want it to change everyone’s!
You guys know it’s so expensive to eat out and you aren’t getting what your body deserves!
Come on guys!
If you have wanted to try it, don’t be afraid. This is the time! (I have got sample packs for $25.00)
NO! This isn’t a sale scheme this is an “I BELIVE IN THIS SHIT” post! (Did I just curse? Sorrynotsorry)
So do yourself a favor and make your body a priority because guess what it’s the only one you have and you don’t want to ruin it!


Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Who's your Coach??

Do You Have a Beachbody Coach?

Last week I changed 2 new lives with Beachbody products! One  was brand new to Beachbody and the other was a returning customer – from 2 years ago. The returning customer had purchased Slim in 6  and had been randomly assigned a Beachbody coach, who never contacted her and she never used as a resource. However, since she had now heard about Shakeology and Insanity though me, she wanted me to be her coach. Despite the fact that she was shopping on my personal Beachbody site (www.beachbodycoach.com/STEVEMMILLER), when she was checking out, it indicated that she had the same coach as she had been randomly assigned 5 years ago. She had to reach out to Beachbody via telephone or email in order to switch her coach to me.
Here are the steps to switching your Beachbody coach:
  1. Call Coach Relations at 1-800-240-0913 or email coachrelations@teambeachbody.com
  2. Give the following information: you name, your new coach’s first and last names or ID (i.e. Stephen Miller or stevemmiller) and your new coach’s ID (mine is # 182856).
  3. You should receive a response via email shortly confirming the switch (or it will be confirmed via telephone right then if you use that method).
It’s as easy as that! After you receive confirmation, you can use your desired Beachbody Coach’s personal website to purchase product.
Obviously I don’t want to steal anyone away from a coach that they already have a relationship with, but if by chance you have a randomly assigned coach that you have no ties to and would like to switch to me, go ahead and send an easy email. I’d love to be your coach! I am more than happy to respond to any email if you need advice, motivation or just want to chat!
Wowy – Win Prizes for Working Out! (For Free)
Another reason to have a Beachbody Coach is because if you are part of the Beachbody network and you log in your workout each day, you will be put in a random drawing for a prize. Some examples of prizes include Ipods, cash (up to $1,000) and apparel. In addition to motivation/support from your personal Beachbody coach and the chance to win money for working out, other benefits of getting a FREE Team Beachbody membership include:
  • Tracking of personal fitness progress and ability to meet others who have similar fitness goals
  • Diet and fitness tips
  • Access to message boards
  • The Million Dollar Body Game (tell your transformation story for a chance to win the monthly $1,000 prize or  $25,000 grand prize!)
To sign up, go to WOWY.com and click “Get Your Free Coach Now.” Fill out your info and if you’d like, enter my coach ID where it asks you who you would like to have be your coach (or get a randomly assigned one if you’d like). My name is stevemmiller and my Id # is 182856.  Fill out all the required information, including a screen name. Once you’re finished, you can start logging your workouts in WOWY so that you are eligible for the prizes! You can also schedule workouts with friends via WOWY so that you can keep each other accountable.
Please let me know if you have any questions! I hope I can help you achieve your fitness goals in any way possible – with the help of Beachbody products or without.
 Time to log in my workout! I'm doing  Insanity Asylum this morning!