Tuesday, November 24, 2015

How to survive Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is entirely centered around food, drink, and more food. And while most of us have been consistent with our workouts and nutrition lately, all bets come off on Thanksgiving. But after too many Thanksgivings feeling uncomfortable, having to loosen our belts and nursing a hangover the next day, we’ve decided to switch things up… just a little! Here’s a plan for feeling your best all through the day, while still enjoying family and food!

MORNING: One of the best things about having the day off is sleeping in, so relax!  Once you’re up, start the day off with a healthy, protein packed smoothie (protein powder, banana, almond milk, almond butter ect).  I recommend Shakeology as It has all the proper super nutrients and proteins that body needs and is super healthy! 

WORKOUT: Don’t spend this Thanksgiving morning being lazy on the couch; try to get some strenuous exercise on the books. Our trainers recommend a calorie torching full-body Tabata workout that will get your back to your family in no time! Because it doesn't hurt to know that you spent your morning exercising and burning calories before an evening of total indulgence. Insanity Max 30 Tabata would be an awesome choice! 

THE MEAL: We recommend that you DON’T put a limit on what you can or cannot eat — your goal should be to enjoy everything and to not make yourself feel guilty about it in the process. Given that it's a long day filled with food and drinks, make a point to drink a lot of water. Also, give yourself some time to digest before heading in for a second helping of food which will help you eat a little less. But what about the leftovers?!?!  If you’re like us, you’ll continue to eat and snack on them for days on end. Pumpkin pie breakfasts and night after night of turkey sandwiches. And while we don't put any boundaries on ourselves during Thanksgiving, we think it's important to get back to your normal eating habits once it's over. The Solution? Park yourself a (normal-sized) meal or two worth of leftovers, and send the rest home with guests.

Come Friday, if you're feeling like you went a bit too overboard, you can always find simple, safe, and healthy ways to give your body a little detox. So take a breath, give yourself a break, and enjoy the holiday. The last thing you want to do is deprive yourself, which can often be a catalyst for overeating later. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

Coach Steve

Friday, November 13, 2015

Hammer And Chisel

Ready to sculpt the ultimate physique? Then look no further than the Master’s Hammer and Chisel! For the very first time, trainers Sagi Kalev and Autumn Calabrese have teamed up to create an expert program designed to help you craft a strong, visually stunning body in 60 days.
The Master’s Challenge Group will provide support and accountability as we work through this incredible new program together for the next 60 days. The group will be led by CEO Carl Daikeler as well as participation and exclusive access to co-creators of the program Sagi Kalev and Autumn Calabrese! By combining fitness, nutrition, and peer support and accountability, The Master’s Challenge Group will help all of us achieve our fitness goals!
Participants who stick with the program and submit their success stories in 60 days will get bragging rights and an exclusive ‪#‎MastersChallenge‬ t-shirt available ONLY to participants in this group, proving they sculpted their ultimate physique! Plus, cash prizes up to $5,000!
The Master’s Challenge will start January 4th 2016 and end February 28th 2016.
I am looking for 10 people that are willing to make a change to a fit and healthy 2016. I would especially like to have people in the 50+ age group as you would be joining along with me 57 and together we will show others this can be done! 
Lets get things going with the free account today and I will make sure your ready to rock in the new year. I'm so excited and can't wait to help change some lives!  https://www.teambeachbody.com/signup/-/signup/free?referringRepId=182856

Hammer and Chisel

Monday, November 9, 2015

Post Workout

OK so you've put in the time your really wanting to see results but your just not getting enough of what you need post workout. It's very important especially for those that are trying to build to make sure they utilize that "30 minute window"immediately following your workout.
Protein is essential for maintaining and building muscle, but you don’t need to gulp down a carton of raw eggs like Rocky to get the maximum benefit. Consuming 20 grams of protein after your workout should do the trick, report British researchers.
In the study, 48 men ingested zero, 10, 20, or 40 grams of protein immediately after a strength workout. The 20-gram and 40-gram doses more effectively stimulated muscle protein synthesis—the process that helps promote the muscle repair and growth after exercise—in participants than the lower amounts. However, the 40-gram dose didn’t produce any added benefit. 
When it comes to choosing your 20-gram protein source, pick whey, a fast-digesting protein found in milk. The reason: “Whey is a rich source of leucine, an amino acid that activates protein synthesis,” says Alan Aragon, M.S., Men's Health's nutrition advisor.  It contains 10 percent leucine while other animal-based proteins have as little as 5 percent.  And while the majority of your diet should consist of whole foods, wheypowder is an easy and inexpensive way to make sure you’re getting enough protein on a daily basis, Aragon says. (Find the best whey powder for you.
Other whey options include 1.5 cups of low-fat yogurt or 2.5 cups of skim milk, both of which can be added to smoothies. If you feel like cooking, grill up some chicken or salmon. To get the recommended 20 grams, the serving size should be about the measurements of a deck of cards. 
So do you need to gnaw on chicken immediately after your last rep? Not necessarily. “Muscle remains responsive to protein for a least 24 hours after exercising,” says study author Oliver Witard, Ph.D, lecturer in health and exercise sciences at the University of Stirling in Scotland. Although the effect is higher immediately after exercise and decreases over time, it doesn’t mean the opening for protein intake closes after an hour, he says.  In fact, Canadian researchers found that 20 grams of protein every three hours four times a day was better at helping men build lean body mass than eating smaller amounts more often (10 grams of protein eight times a day) or larger amounts less frequently (40 grams of protein twice a day).
But don't drive yourself crazy trying to synchronize your meals to a clock, advises Aragon. For the average active guy, eating protein after a workout won’t matter if you don’t meet other nutritional needs throughout the day, says Aragon. When it comes to building muscle and losing weight, the most important factors are consistent workouts and well-rounded meals that include protein. 
As a beachbody coach and a graduate of Insanity, P90X3, and Body Beast I was thrilled with the release of the New supplement line. Not only did I experience great results but the quality of these products is absolutely the best. If your going to put in the time then spend the money it's worth it. Message me for more information and your  own free account. Questions?? As always I'm here to help
Coach Steve