Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Shakeology Caffe Latte

The rumors are true! There’s a new Shakeology flavor in town. Well, it’s not “in town” just yet, but in less than two weeks it will be. And ever since a handful of elite Coaches sampled it recently, we’ve gotten many questions about this heavenly new flavor. So to answer your questions before you actually ask, we’ve put together a little Q&A for the inside scoop on the newest flavor, Café Latte Shakeology. I love my latte's as much as anyone else but now I don't have to be so concerned with sugars! 

Café Latte Shakeology’s Top 5 Q&A

Q: Does Café Latte contain more caffeine than the other Shakeology flavors?

A: NOT AT ALL! The caffeine levels in Café Latte are exactly the same as they are in ALL of our Shakeology flavors. So even though it tastes like coffee, Café Latte contains 75% less caffeine than an 8 oz. cup o’ Joe.

 Q: How does it taste?

A: Absolutely amazing! It’s incredibly rich, robust, and creamy with hints of Café and notes of Latte. It truly does taste just like a frozen coffee drink you’d get from a coffee shop, but Café Latte Shakeology has dense superfood nutrition as well.

Q: What makes Café Latte so special?

A: It’s formulated with WHOLE Coffee Fruit*—a coveted superfood powerhouse that’s native to regions of Mexico and India. Coffee fruit is the red fleshy fruit that surrounds what we know to be the coffee bean! Not only does Café Latte taste great, but the use of the entire plant also minimizes Shakeology’s carbon footprint.

Q: What if I don’t want to give up some of the other Shakeology flavors that I love?

A: Then get the Barista Triple Combo Box. This pack contains 24 single-serving packets of Café Latte, Vanilla, and Chocolate (8 per flavor), so you can mix and match your shakes like a true barista.

Q: When does it launch?

A: JANUARY 11, 2016!** While we’re not taking pre-orders, we are stocked and ready to start shipping as soon as we launch. So put a reminder in your calendar to secure your stash on that magical day.

Cafe Latte

Cafe Latte

I'll be starting an online Cafe Latte test group with some additional Challenge De Jour workouts! Contact me here or just stay posted for the updates! 
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