Wednesday, July 27, 2022


Hey y'all I'm back! I have been down and out physically and emotionally. Between recovering from open heart surgery, nerve damage and setbacks in training then a bout with covid 19 things have really been tuff. Not to use these as excuses I just lost all interest and was heading in a dark place. Thank the lord and my wife plus the birth of 2grandchildren and I feel like my why is crystal clear again. I never lost my passion for health and fitness just the reasons why. I can't tell you how many times I thought about opening up my laptop and updating the blog only to lose focus for some reason or another. Obstacles in the way excuses, sometimes just a screw it and walk away attitude. Anger and fear what will others think of me was I a quitter? Well yes I was quitting on myself my team of coaches who depended on me for guidance I was not a good leader. Today I am in a much better place rededicated and focused I have new goals and on the right track. I hope to bring some helpful content and product updates for your reading pleasure and know that I'm here to stay. Thank you! 

Coach Steve