Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Eating Healthy On The Road

Well now that my Spartan experience is over my road trip is continuing on to Connecticut. We will be visiting my grandson for the first time and I am pretty excited. I am keeping myself on track meal wise and working out because I plan on being there for him many years to come. I hear a lot of people talking about how they fall off the wagon while on vacation and I thought that I could share some tips that may help nutrition wise. Of course the first thing I would recommend is having an ample supply of shakeology with you. I always bring a bag and some powdered peanut butter so even after my daily dose of dense nutrition I can power down if I get hunger pains or if I hit the gym it gives me the extra energy needed to crush my workout.


The next thing I do is search out a fresh foods market or somewhere I can find organic foods. I usually by things like grass fed beef that's cooked or some antibiotic free chicken. Then I hit up the produce department and stock up on fresh local fruit and vegetables. I stay away from the snacks and prepared foods unless they are healthy options like the soup I purchased was already cooked with local organic produce. Here is a few pictures from the market I found in Connecticut.

stevemiller 352fitclub.com

steve miller

steve miller

I also purchased a rotisserie chicken that was antibiotic free. These are great for a quick meal or a snack and I usually take some of the breast meat and cut it up for my salad! In short you have plenty of options instead of eating out or prepared foods that are high in fat and hydrogenated oils. Being a beachbody coach and a leader for my team I try to set good examples for my coaches to follow. This keeps everyone on the same page as we all have to support and motivate others. After all we are products of the product!

Monday, August 25, 2014

Fitness Journey Update

Well I finished the Spartan Super in the mountains of Virginia and can only think of one word to describe it, Insane!! This course was by far the hardest thing I have ever done yes it was tougher than the Beast in South Carolina.
Here is the way the day started out. We followed the directions to the location only to get lost in mountain fog on the way UP! Finally got turned around and headed the right way only to land in a traffic jam due to the bus being stuck in the mud. Once parked we boarded the bus for the other 5 mile trek up the mountain only to find ourselves stopped in the middle of the mountain half way up. The bus could not make the hill! Now I was really getting nervous. Finally the bus driver got the bus going again and we reached the summit. Now an hour late we stretched real quick hopped the first wall and took off running. We rounded the first corner feeling real good till we saw the steep climb that awaited. Not bad we thought till 3/4 of the way up we were huffin and puffin! Now the fun part down the hill so you say easy right?? Not to be slippery, muddy, rocks, you name it we kept falling and sliding. Its going to be a long run/hike! This continued on for the next several miles with the usual Spartan obstacles. Then we got to the sandbag carry and had to carry it up hill and over 3 walls then down and over 3 walls! This was followed by another climb that seemed like it never ended and at times so steep you pretty much had to crawl up it. Enough right!! Nope next up the bucket carry and you guessed it up and down the hill. I don't know what was worse the up or down. So by now you see the theme right? Next up log carry and of course up and down the hill. The one thing I don't think they accounted for was the logs people were dropping and they came barreling down at you! LOOK OUT! Now 7 miles into it and praying for the finish line I thought the worst was over. Oh how wrong I was as soon as I saw the dreaded barbed wire crawl all up hill! Now cramping and bleeding from elbows and knees almost to the top the crowd was yelling at me almost there almost there I saw it! The finish line finally the end in sight. I mustered up what was left in my lower extremities and made a valiant effort to jump the fire. Ugly but finished. Total time 5 hrs and 6 minutes. I was totally humbled by this race and considered myself to be "in shape"  but learned otherwise. I am glad I finished never thought of quitting but I believe that the programs I have used to get me physically ready for this are the reason I did make it to the end. I just have to be willing to push myself harder than ever if I want results that I believe I'm capable of. So it looks like Insanity Asylum and P90X3 are going to be my best friends for the quite a while! LESSON LEARNED!

Insanity Asylum 352fitclub.com

P90X3 352fitclub.com

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

My Fitness Journey!

Well the next chapter of my fitness journey comes full circle this Saturday as I am ready to challenge the hills of Virginia at the Spartan Super. This is a very challenging 8 mile course located at a ski resort in the blue ridge mountains. Being a Beachbody Coach I have been training for this race for three months. I have been combining Body Beast to help me with the upper body strength that will be needed, Insanity Asylum for the quickness and agility it provides, and P90X3 which pretty much targets every muscle group in the body not to mention the push-up and pull-up challenge! Living in Florida its pretty tough finding hills to run so I utilized the sand trails along the power lines where I live. These were perfect and provided some elevation changes and different terrain. I ran these several times with a log and sometimes would stop and do burpees or jacks! I can honestly say beachbody coaching has given me the opportunity to participate in events like this by helping others achieve the same goals as me and its provided me the financial freedom to leave my full time position and focus on something I love doing! I will post some photos of training below for you to view so feel free to comment! If your interested in joining my team please fill out the work with Steve application. I will be updating with pictures and results over the weekend!

Steve Miller

steve miller

steve miller

steve miller


Monday, August 18, 2014

Bell Pepper and Cabbage

I was on my Beachbody page searching for a recipe where I could use my fresh grown peppers and I came across this one. You can click my link below and sign up for your own free account and search thousands of recipes just like this! https://www.teambeachbody.com/signup/-/signup/free?referringRepId=182856

Bell Pepper and Cabbage Slaw
Bell Pepper and Cabbage Slaw

Total Time: 1 hr. 15 min.
Prep Time: 15 min.
Cooking Time: None
Yield: 4 servings
1 medium cabbage, shredded
1 medium green (or yellow) bell pepper, chopped
1 medium red bell pepper, chopped
1 medium red onion, chopped
¼ cup rice wine vinegar
Sea salt and ground black pepper (to taste; optional)
1. Combine cabbage, bell peppers, onion, and vinegar in a large bowl; mix well.
2. Season with salt and pepper if desired.
3. Cover and refrigerate for 1 hour before serving.
Nutritional Information (per serving):
Calories: 93
Fat: 0 g
Saturated Fat: 0 g
Cholesterol: 0 mg
Sodium: 115 mg
Carbohydrate: 21 g
Fiber: 7 g
Sugar: 12 g
Protein: 4 g

P90X/P90X2 Portions (per serving)
2 vegetables

Body Beast Portions (per serving)
4 vegetables

Friday, August 15, 2014

Insanity Class

Had my first live Insanity class on Wednesday night this was the first scheduled class that I am doing for the county so I was pretty nervous.
If you have never participated in one of these classes let me tell you it's not the same as doing the Insanity program. You start off doing a warm-up which is 6 moves 30 seconds each, all repeated 3 times without rest. Then you perform a series of dynamic stretches followed by a brief rest to prepare you for the assault on your body. Now there are 2 versions, a 30 minute and a 50 minute workout and based on this you will have 2 or 3 blocks. The blocks consist of 4 moves 30 seconds each and all repeated 3 times. The first 2 sets you get a 30 second rest and the last set has a power move added to it and that's a full minute!! This is pretty intense and not to mention you have to commit everything to memory. I must say that becoming a certified insanity instructor was one of the most amazing things I have done and only reaffirms my decision on becoming a Beachbody coach. If your ever in the citrus county area look me up my classes are Wednesday at 6:30 PM and Saturday at 9:30AM                                                                          


steve miller

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Shakeology and Probiotics

So I am starting off my morning drinking my Shakeology as I do everyday and I came across this great article on Probiotics and the effects of good and bad bacteria. If you are a regular shakeology drinker then you probably are aware of the ingredients and health benefits that they provide. Thank you David Faye for this great article and if your interested in trying shakeology feel free to send me a message or click on my shakeology tab for a direct link loaded with more information.

Your gut is filled with bacteria, good and bad. Good bacteria aids digestion, boosts immunity, and combats a number of gut-related illnesses. Emerging research shows it may also impact weight loss and influence mood. Bad bacteria hampers good bacteria and can make you sick in an assortment of ways, oftentimes involving repeated trips to the bathroom.
The two fight constantly.
Probiotics contain good bacteria. You’ll find them either in supplement form or through real foods like yogurt, tempeh, kimchi, miso, and kombucha. By taking them, you’re fortifying the troops. While they’re generally an excellent idea, they’re particularly important after you’ve had an infection or you’ve taken a round of antibiotics, because these things tend to wipe out the populations in your gut.
The therapeutic use of probiotics is an excellent example of ancient wisdom existing long before Western science could pull its head out. There are references to curdled milk in the Bible (Genesis 18:8 and Isaiah 7:15 if you’re keeping score), but the party really got started around the start of the 20th century when Nobel Prize–winning scientist Dr. Elias Metchnikoff reported that Bulgarian shepherds tended to live almost twice as long as urban Parisians where he was living. He pinned this on the formers’ intake of fermented milk, which he felt contained “good” and “anti-putrefactive” microorganisms.
It’s unclear how Metchnikoff made the connection between these two rather disparate groups, but it gave birth to the modern investigation of probiotics, so let’s not complain. For the last hundred plus years, science continues to discover more and more good things about the bugs living in our intestines.
The 100 trillion (give or take a trillion) bacteria that live in your gut can be divided into over 500 types. Many of the important ones fall into one of two genera, Lactobacillus andBifidobacterium. Under that, there are several species, many of which have specific benefits. For example, Lactobacillus acidophilus has been shown to be especially effective in combating lactose intolerance and Montezuma’s Revenge (or “traveler’s diarrhea” if you want to be boring about it). However, unless you have a specific issue that you’re trying to address, you probably don’t need to stress about all the species.
Fun fact one: the bad bacteria you’re working to keep in check include Helicobacter pylori,Escherichia coli (E. coli), and salmonella.
Fun fact two: we’re born without bacteria in our guts, but the populating begins when we pass through the birth canal. Our first gasps of air provide yet more bacteria, as does breast milk, which is especially rich in probiotics.
It’s well-established that probiotic consumption helps with almost any intestinal issue you can think of, including constipation, lactose intolerance, GI infections, gas, diarrhea, Crohn’s disease, IBS, and IBD. It’s been shown to be effective in treating vaginal and urinary tract infections and atopic eczema. There’s also research showing probiotics may reduce the risk of colon cancer.
There are a few theories as to how this all happens. One is that good bacteria simply take up the space in the gut that the bad bacteria would take over. There’s also the fact that some good bacteria stimulate the immune system by promoting the release of various white blood cells that kill pathogens. A third idea is that many bacteria use the same fuel sources. For example, Clostridium difficile, which causes diarrhea and inflames the colon, is dependent on sugar—but so are many good bacteria. It all comes down to balance. If you have plenty of good bacteria in your gut, they’re going to dominate the monosaccharide buffet.
Look beyond GI issues, and current science on gut bacteria and probiotics gets even more amazing. A Washington University study on identical twins—one overweight and one thin—showed that they had entirely different gut microbiota, suggesting certain bacteria in your system promotes weight gain. (A separate UC Berkeley study suggests the evolutionary reason for this is that people in northern climates need more body fat, so their gut bacteria actually shifts to promote weight gain.)
But if you think popping the right probiotics will soon be the key to dropping pounds, don’t get too excited. Yet another study on mice shows that “weight loss bacteria” doesn’t seem to thrive on a high in saturated fat, low-fiber diet. However, they tend to propagate when fed a diet filled with fruits and veggies.
Researchers are also looking seriously into the gut-brain axis. In other words, those little bugs in your belly might actually have a say in your decision-making process. For instance, gut bacteria produce 95% of your serotonin, a powerful “feel-good” neurotransmitter.
And a Texas Tech University study on mice found that feeding mice the bad bacteriumCampylobacter jejuni drove up their anxiety levels.
So, yes, you should consume probiotics. How many depends on your situation. Antibiotics wipe out the microbes in your gut, so a supplement is an excellent idea after a round of those. Beyond that, if you have a gut-related issue, it’s worth researching which probiotic might help and supplement thusly.
Quality probiotic supplements can be pricey though. For most people, a solid diet filled with probiotic foods should do the trick. (For the record, Shakeology contains Bacillus coagulans, an especially hearty probiotic that can survive at room temperature when many probiotics require refrigeration.)
Yogurt is also a great source. However, it’s important to read the label. The bacteria that make the flavor and texture that Western society considers yogurt can’t survive the voyage through our GI tract, so manufacturers enhance the stuff with other strains, includingLactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidobacterium bifidum.
Kombucha, or fermented tea, is another great probiotic food that’s especially trendy right now. It may take a while to learn to appreciate its tangy taste, but it’s worth it. Another benefit of kombucha is that it’s incredibly simple to make.
Beyond that, there are tons of other foods out there that are technically probiotic, including tempeh, sauerkraut, pickles, miso, and various cheeses. Unfortunately, these foods are often heated or pasteurized in such a way that kills the bacteria, so check on the label to verify if the probiotics are still active. Another option is to seek out a boutique producer who deliberately maintains the bacteria in their foods. Or you might want to make them yourself.Sandor Ellix Katz’s The Art of Fermentation is an excellent resource for your bacterial DIY needs.
On a final note, remember that fruit and veggie thing a few paragraphs up? Well, it applies to all the benefits of probiotics. Gut bacteria thrives on certain foods called prebiotics, so it’s crucial to make them part of your diet. Foods especially high in prebiotics include asparagus, onion, leek, garlic, artichokes, oats, and bananas. Yacon root, which you’ll find in Shakeology, also contains prebiotics.
So make prebiotics and probiotics a cornerstone of your diet because if you’re good to all those little bugs in your gut, they’ll return the favor tenfold.

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Fit and 50

So what does a 50+ year old do on a Sunday afternoon? Go to the gym and crush their back workout! Did a 1 1/2 hour circuit workout along with some cardio then we hit the sand trails for a 4mile trail run. Powered down a shakeology before I started then finished up with my post workout protein shake. Getting prepped for the Virginia Super Spartan on the 23rd of August so gotta keep pushing play! I hope to inspire other 50 year olds to get off the couch and do something! Don't ever let someone tell you that your to old to accomplish any fitness activities!

Fitness Workout

Friday, August 8, 2014


Crushed it! Leg day was a complete success. Went through leg presses, leg raises, calves and hamstrings. Also did some squats with 225 lbs. Finished up with a 3 mile run then some Shakeology the healthiest meal of the day.

Shakeology 70 Healthy Ingredients

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Body Beast Chest

Finally got back to my Body Beast workout today and it was chest day. I seemed to have lost a little bit on the strength side as I went by my diary from last weeks workout. I also could contribute this to working outside in the sun for the last couple of weeks. I have been doing good with the eating portion of the program although its tough to pound down 3500 calorie meals! I did try to eat a bigger portion about an hour or so before hoping that would help as I ran out of fuel shot. This product mixed with my shake is really effective in keeping me from (bonking) during my workout. It's on order so we will see how it go's next week. Tomorrow is leg day I'm usually pretty strong with legs so I will post a blog on the outcome!

Body Beast
Body Beast Whatever it Takes

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Cilantro Lime Grilled Chicken

Hi everyone! It's Wednesday and my turn to come up with a meal for dinner so I turned to my favorite cousin who has a little Mexican flare and here is what she shared with me. I am back today with another great Mexican recipe for Cilantro Lime Grilled Chicken! This is one of the easiest and most delicious ways to prepare grilled chicken. What I really like about this recipe is that it does not require a long marinade time, yet has amazing flavor. This recipe is a great way to kick of grilling season and it also goes wonderfully with The Best Mexican Rice I posted earlier this week. I hope you and your family will enjoy this meal soon. So without further ado, let’s get cooking! Cilantro Lime Grilled Chicken This Cilantro Lime Grilled Chicken is one of the easiest and most delicious ways to prepare grilled chicken. In a medium sized mixing bowl and add fresh cilantro, olive oil, all seasonings, and fresh lime juice, then add chicken. I use my hands, but you don’t have to, and rub the seasoned mixture over the chicken giving it a nice massage, lol! Wash your hands very well and start your grill. Once your grill is nice and hot, oil your grates. Now place the chicken breast on the grill and cook until the internal temperature reaches 165 degrees, turning occasionally. This Cilantro Lime Grilled Chicken is one of the easiest and most delicious ways to prepare grilled chicken. Mmmm, you can almost smell the chicken grilling…Yay, now the chicken is done, ready to be sliced and served! Don’t forget The Best Mexican Rice when serving this yummy Cilantro Lime Grilled Chicken for the ultimate Mexican meal! The Best Mexican Rice I have tried many recipes, but this recipe is hands down the best Mexican rice I have ever had! Cilantro Lime Grilled Chicken
Author: Audra Ingredients » 4 boneless, skinless chicken breast » 2 heaping TBS fresh chopped cilantro » 3 TBSP extra virgin olive oil » ½ tsp garlic powder » 1 tsp chili powder » ½ tsp cumin » 1 tsp oregano or 1 TBS fresh chopped oregano » salt and pepper to taste » 2 TBS fresh lime juice Instructions 1.Mix fresh cilantro, olive oil, seasonings, and lime juice. 2.Next, hand rub the mixture over the chicken. Marinate the chicken for as long as it takes to heat your grill. 3.Then grill on 400 degrees (adjusting the heat as needed) until the internal temperature reaches 165 degrees F, turning the chicken occasionally. 4.Enjoy!

Monday, August 4, 2014


Well today is a recovery day for me so I wont be posting any workout pictures or routine. So my recovery day went something like this: I started off the morning stretching my glutes and quad muscles.They are still tight and sore from my run Saturday. I then took a dip in the pool did a few laps and just kind of let gravity take over. Later in the evening I went to my massage therapist for some much needed trigger point release and some good old fashion digging in! It only hurts for a couple of seconds I promise but when your finished you feel amazing. Not sure if anyone who exercise's regularly does this but on a scale of 1-10 it rates a 10. She worked on my Trap's and my upper back then dug into my Tricep's and made me tear up! Enough of that now time to start thinking about tomorrow's wokout and doing my 352 Fit Club. Drop me a message if your ever looking for someone to workout with ! facebook.com/stevemiller8632

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Running for The Hills!

Well just got back from my Spartan training run got 8.5 miles in on a trail that has some nice elevation changes and oh yeah it's all sugar sand! Talk about sucking the life out of your legs. I stopped every 2 miles (that was planned) and hydrated from my camelback and sucked down some gel shots. The worst part was the heat! The sun was beating down and reflecting off the sand and it was freaking hot. I paced myself seeing I wasn't concerned about time my goal was to get the mileage in. I usually have issues with cramping in my legs but I will let you in on a little secret. Apple cider vinegar mixed with honey and ginger. I pit a capful of my premixed solution in 8oz of water pre run and post run. It worked great I didn't cramp. This is the 3rd run in a week that I have been doing this and I am gonna stick with it. All I can say is for a 55 year old #buffgrandpa I kicked some ass today. Really proud I could have stopped at any point and just said enough but that's not what I do. I have a team that depends on me so if I don't stay motivated how can I lead them. Pushed forward and finished strong ready for the Virginia Super!! I have some pictures of my pre run meal and some during the run. If your interested in being part of my team feel free to fill out the application under the work with Steve tab.