Thanksgiving is entirely centered around food, drink, and more food. And while most of us have been consistent with our workouts and nutrition lately, all bets come off on Thanksgiving. But after too many Thanksgivings feeling uncomfortable, having to loosen our belts and nursing a hangover the next day, we’ve decided to switch things up… just a little! Here’s a plan for feeling your best all through the day, while still enjoying family and food!
MORNING: One of the best things about having the day off is sleeping in, so relax! Once you’re up, start the day off with a healthy, protein packed smoothie (protein powder, banana, almond milk, almond butter ect). I recommend Shakeology as It has all the proper super nutrients and proteins that body needs and is super healthy!
WORKOUT: Don’t spend this Thanksgiving morning being lazy on the couch; try to get some strenuous exercise on the books. Our trainers recommend a calorie torching full-body Tabata workout that will get your back to your family in no time! Because it doesn't hurt to know that you spent your morning exercising and burning calories before an evening of total indulgence. Insanity Max 30 Tabata would be an awesome choice!
THE MEAL: We recommend that you DON’T put a limit on what you can or cannot eat — your goal should be to enjoy everything and to not make yourself feel guilty about it in the process. Given that it's a long day filled with food and drinks, make a point to drink a lot of water. Also, give yourself some time to digest before heading in for a second helping of food which will help you eat a little less. But what about the leftovers?!?! If you’re like us, you’ll continue to eat and snack on them for days on end. Pumpkin pie breakfasts and night after night of turkey sandwiches. And while we don't put any boundaries on ourselves during Thanksgiving, we think it's important to get back to your normal eating habits once it's over. The Solution? Park yourself a (normal-sized) meal or two worth of leftovers, and send the rest home with guests.
Come Friday, if you're feeling like you went a bit too overboard, you can always find simple, safe, and healthy ways to give your body a little detox. So take a breath, give yourself a break, and enjoy the holiday. The last thing you want to do is deprive yourself, which can often be a catalyst for overeating later. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!